Talks on quotas collapsed on Friday, endangering jobs and threatening to push up price of fish and chips.
The sea of opportunity that Brexit was supposed to deliver has certainly dried up for Yorkshire’s fishermen. News that the UK and Norway have failed to reach a fishing deal for this year means boats like the Hull-based Kirkella remain tied up, possibly for good.
Exclusion from Norwegian seas could be ‘nail in coffin’ for distant-water fleet.
“Quite simply, this is a disgrace and a national embarrassment.”
First fishing trip post-Brexit for Hull's last distant-water trawler as future remains unclear
UK Fisheries boss describes Norwegian trip as a sticking plaster as new agreement awaited for North Atlantic waters
Time running out! Fishing fury as Norway exclusion leaves UK livelihoods hanging by thread
BRITISH fishermen reliant on waters off the coasts of Norway, Greenland and the Faroe Islands are hanging by a thread because no deals have yet been agreed on a future arrangement with the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) member.
European commission indicates Britons will face ban on nonessential travel at end of Brexit transition.
Research into similar exercises in other countries has shown they lead to an exodus of talent and a loss of influence with key partners.
If not, and the vote is to exit, it will be no good saying afterwards that “we didn’t understand what we were voting for” – the repeated complaint made by eurosceptics about the 1975 Referendum. By then it will be too late.
The JCWG on Ireland/Northern Ireland meets for the first time today. What is it and why should we care?
This small sector has been promised benefits that will not materialise.
A Brexit party MEP has been heavily criticised after he called for foreign fishing vessels to be “given the same treatment as the Belgrano”, the Argentinian cruiser sunk by the Royal Navy with the loss of hundreds of lives.
As the British government continues to debate the kind of customs relationship it wants with the European Union after Brexit, one question looms large: how will it solve the Irish border problem?
Politicians have been bickering about Brexit for the past two years, but everything that has happened so far is just figuring out how we leave the EU - we still have to sort out what kind of relationship we have once we have actually left.
Iceland says UK would have to accept free movement of labour, while Norway wants to avoid stirring Brexit hornets’ nest.
Lord Brian Paddick (former DAC, London Metropolitan Police) speaks to the crowd gathered in Newcastle on 25/03/2018. He speaks on issues of security and policing surrounding Brexit.
Channel 4 News - Heidi Nordby Lunde, president of Norway's European Movement, is sceptical about calls for the UK to strike a Norway-style deal with the EU.
"I think you would mess it all up for us, the way you have messed it all up for yourselves."
Senior Norwegian politicians and businesses figures have rejected Norway-plus, the increasingly touted British cross-party plan for the UK to leave the EU but join Norway in a free trade trade area inside the EU single market. They attacked the idea as “neither in Norway nor the UK’s interest”. The UK would need Norway’s permission to join its Efta club.