
The following entry types can currently be found in the database.

app A mobile app.
article A (non-news) article.
blog A regular blogger on the EU or Brexit.
blog post An individual post on a blog
book A book about Brexit, the EU or a related subject
boycott Boycott campaign, or list of companies or other organisations that supported Brexit.
comedy Brexit related comedy
crowdfund A crowdfunding campaign for anti-Brexit, pro-EU or related activities.
documentary A documentary about Brexit, the EU or a related subject
event An anti-Brexit or pro-EU event.
explainer An explanation or guide on an EU or Brexit topic.
facts A site conveying facts about the EU or Brexit.
film A feature length film.
group An regional pro-EU / anti-Brexit group.
myth A myth, false meme or other fake news relating to Brexit or the EU
news Brexit or EU related news
opinion A written opinion piece.
organization An anti-Brexit or pro-EU organization
petition An anti-Brexit, pro-EU or related petition.
podcast A single episode of a podcast
podcaster A regular or multi-episode podcaster.
report A report or paper on Brexit impacts and options.
research Research relating to Brexit
speech A speech or lecture - either recorded or transcribed.
text The text of a bill, agreement, treaty or other formal document.
tweet An interesting or informative tweet, thread or Twitter account.
video Video (or audio) content.
voices Reactions to Brexit and testimonies re its consequences.
website A website with EU or Brexit related information which doesn't belong in any other category.
wiki A useful Brexit or EU related wiki (usually Wikipedia) page.
write A letter or email writing campaign.