tag: .eu ×17
.EU domain name


Leave.EU switched registration to Republic of Ireland to avoid losing EU domain name.
"From 30 March 2019, 00:00:00 CET, EURid will NOT allow the registration of any new domain name where the registrant country code is either GB/GI."
From 1 January 2021, organisations, businesses or undertakings established in the UK (but not in the EU), and individuals who lived outside the EU and were not EU citizens, became unable to hold, register or renew .eu domain names in the UK.
EURid has confirmed that it will revoke all Brexit-related, non-compliant .eu domain names on 1 January 2022, with these domain names being subsequently released in batches.
Nearly 50,000 internet domain names belonging to UK businesses and citizens have been taken down this week following the revocation of their .eu domain names.
Businesses without an EU postal address will no longer be able to own an .eu domain name following Brexit. It’s time to take action, and here are the steps you need to take.
Even if the European Union and the United Kingdom conclude a highly ambitious partnership covering all areas agreed in the Political Declaration by the end of 2020, the United Kingdom’s withdrawal from the EU acquis, the internal market and the Customs Union, at the end of the transition period will inevitably create barriers to trade and cross-border exchanges that do not exist today.
Newly published Brexit advice encourages websites to consider transferring their address.
Neale Richmond demands inquiry on how Brexit campaign group obtained domain name reserved for EU citizens.
Thousands of other British businesses and individuals would also be affected.
Campaign migrates registered office for its website so it can retain .eu internet address.
The .eu sites have now been revoked indefinitely and put up for sale but only to EU residents and citizens.
Error message greets visitors to site registered in name of Irish businessman who claims he does not know campaign group.


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