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British Steel won approval from a French court to buy the Ascoval steel mill in northern France, in a deal that should help save jobs at the site and allow British Steel to expand in Europe as Brexit concerns weigh on its domestic market.
British Steel has said it is seeking further financial support from the government to help it address "Brexit-related issues".
"For disgruntled steel workers in Port Talbot, the Brexit vote was their chance to get the people at the top — and the national media — to listen. In a bitter irony, they are also the ones who stand to lose the most from Brexit. "
Some steel products could face post-Brexit taxes within months, the sector has warned.
"Richard Tice should call in more often", Marina Purkiss said after watching the clip. / Reform Party leader Richard Tice phoned into a TV debate on Brexit only to get a humiliating dressing down by documentary maker, Caolan Robertson.
As Tata Steel announced significant job losses in Port Talbot, Byline TV asked Carwyn Jones why it’s happened. The answer: Brexit, and apathy.


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