WELL, the cat is out of the bag. Brexit visionary Nigel Farage has finally admitted the truth – that Brexit has been an unmitigated disaster for households and businesses across these islands.
"Britain has traditionally been Germany’s fifth largest trading partner. In 2022 UK will drop out of the list of the TOP 10"
Having been grossly misled in the referendum, Britons’ anger is mounting as the reality of our plight becomes clear.
Japan's richest man has warned that Brexit is "practically impossible" and could take the United Kingdom back to the economic stagnation of the 1970s when the country was often described as the "sick man of Europe."
Post Brexit inflation is making UK "sick man of Europe" | Economics | The New Statesman [22 mins]
A "perfect storm" of Brexit, covid and poor macroeconomic fiscal policies by the Conservatives has weakened Britain's economy and diminished the UK's standing in Europe, says economist Duncan Weldon.
Terra Firma boss says UK may need bailout from IMF and now ‘sick man of Europe’ due to Brexit deal
A leading investment chief has predicted the UK may need a bailout from the IMF and is now the “sick man of Europe” because of the way Brexit was negotiated.
Guy Hands says Conservatives are putting country ‘on a path to be sick man of Europe’.
Guy Hands said the Conservatives need to re-negotiate the "completely hopeless" Brexit deal.
Britain may need a bailout from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and is on the path to become the “sick man of Europe” because of Brexit, a senior finance chief has warned.
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