Showing: ◈ Andrew Adonis×
A new world trade monitor published on Friday doesn't make for good reading as far as the UK is concerned, with the country's underperformance being blamed on Brexit.
There is an air of desperation in attacks from those on the right and their supporters in the press. They fear if Johnson falls, the Brexit deception will crumble too.
Why is the BBC giving so much time to hardline Brexiteers, asks journalist Raymond Snoddy.
PRO-EUROPE groups in Oxford are aiming to place themselves at the centre of the battle to re-join the EU’s customs union and single market, with a Labour peer telling them it needs to happen “as soon as possible”.
Zac Goldsmith’s claims that Brexit could help the environment have been utterly demolished this week.
"Oxfordians want to build-back-better and level-up but we have one hand tied behind our backs labelled Brexit," the association behind the movement told TLE.
"Andrew, you and I know that in 2016 there weren't shortages in the supermarkets, there wasn't fuel rationing" Lord Andrew Adonis told Andrew Castle.
One industry representative said there are 500,000 vacancies across the supply chain, which means Brits should expect food prices to increase.
Lord Adonis, the Labour former cabinet minister, was a guest speaker alongside David Gauke, the former Conservative cabinet minister, for the event held to mark five years since the EU referendum, which was hosted by our chief political commentator John Rentoul .
The UK’s train operators are to pull out of the Interrail scheme, which has allowed unlimited train travel across Europe for a fixed price for almost 50 years.
Podcast regulars Steve Anglesey and Richard Porritt are joined on stage by editor-at-large Alastair Campbell, columnist Andrew Adonis and co-founder of For our Future's Sake Amanda Chetwynd-Cowieson for Brexit chat and all the regular features in a special episode recorded at Podcast Live.
Britain's Brexit voters are right. They have been shamefully neglected. But the answer is to change Britain, not to leave Europe.