◈ Museum of Brexit×
Is Brexit to blame for Britain’s mess?
Britain has been an object of international derision in recent months. / Britain, said some outside observers, had turned into an emerging market — even a banana republic. But why has a country, traditionally renowned for its stability, been engulfed by such turmoil? / Brexit is the reason, according to critics of Britain’s departure from the European Union.
Prominent Brexiteers have championed the project, claiming they want to set up an institution to tell the story of Britain’s exit from the European Union “before items and stories get lost”.
Organisers behind the Museum of Brexit want the public to donate money and mementos to create a permanent exhibition devoted to the UK’s exit from the EU.
Leave campaigners behind project only won charitable status by vowing it would tell balanced story.
Brexiteers to press ahead with plans for a Brexit museum despite coronavirus sparking delays
Organisers are pushing ahead with plans to build a Brexit museum this autumn despite coronavirus sparking delays.