The 'divorce bill' on leaving the UK. (Really the UK's £39bn in unpaid commitments that must be settled.)
'Divorce bill' row erupts as UK dismisses EU's claim it must pay billions more than was estimated
The Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR) predicted in 2018 that the so-called "divorce bill" for leaving the European Union would cost the UK between £35bn and £39bn - but the EU say the figure is over £40bn.
German chancellor says UK cannot have same rights as member states nor negotiate trade relations before agreeing to pay its bill. Angela Merkel has said British politicians are still living under the “illusion” that the UK will retain most of its rights and privileges once it leaves the European Union.
Boris Johnson accused of Brexit ‘hornswoggle’ after insisting Britain won’t pay EU 'divorce bill' first
Boris Johnson has been accused of deceiving voters after insisting Britain would not pay an expected £50bn Brexit “divorce bill” unless the EU started trade talks. A senior EU source said the Foreign Secretary was hoodwinking the public about “the realities of Brexit” – insisting leaders were “united” in the view that the bill must be settled first.
The Treasury’s latest estimate put the figure at £42.5 billion – up from £37.3 billion a year ago.
The Brexit "divorce bill" negotiated by Boris Johnson is up to £5 billion higher than the UK government expected, according to "definitive" EU calculations.
The UK agreed to make a series of payments to the EU, as part of the deal when it left in January, often called the divorce bill.
Figure of £40.8bn buried in EU’s 2020 accounts dismissed by UK as not reflecting amount it will pay.
The financial settlement - often labeled the 'exit bill' or 'divorce bill' - sets out how the UK and EU will settle their outstanding financial commitments to each other.
The German government is encouraging Britain to agree a mathematical formula for calculating its European divorce settlement rather than settling on a precise figure in an attempt to avoid a looming clash that risks derailing Brexit talks.
EU launches four new legal actions against UK government for breaking Northern Ireland protocol
The European Commission has launched four new legal actions against the UK government for breaking parts of the Northern Ireland Brexit deal.
MPs backed Boris Johnson's plan to tear apart his own deal with the EU - which comes after he claimed he had 'got Brexit done'.
EU says it would not open talks with UK after no-deal Brexit until it agrees to divorce bill and Irish backstop
The EU would refuse to open trade talks with Britain after a no-deal Brexit until the UK decided to sign up to the main elements of the withdrawal agreement anyway, the European Commission has said.
Czech, German and Italian politicians support European commission line that Britain must agree to pay up before talks. EU member states are backing a European commission demand that trade talks can only start once Britain has agreed to pay a hefty Brexit bill, despite fears of a backlash from Theresa May.
The European Union is expected to seek more than €10bn in UK contributions for this year even in the event of a no-deal scenario on 12 April, RTÉ News understands.
EU will take UK to International Court if it refuses to pay £50bn divorce bill, 'leaked document' says
A draft plan – apparently obtained by a Dutch newspaper – threatens a long legal battle to grab back what the EU regards as the UK’s liabilities, if Theresa May refuses to pay up
The Brexit divorce bill will cost each taxpayer on average £305 more than previously expected, according to new government figures.
The Attorney General explains in parliament that though there is no obligation in EU law to honour the £39bn commitment, there is in international law.
How the UK lost the Brexit battle
The course of Brexit was set in the hours and days after the 2016 referendum. / It was at 6:22 a.m. on June 24, 2016 — 59 minutes before the official tally was unveiled — that the European Council sent its first “lines to take” to the national governments that make up the EU.
Former PM’s disastrous tax-cutting plan piled an extra £91m on the UK’s payments to the bloc, Treasury documents show.
Cabinet secretary Sir Mark Sedwill says emergency contingency plans are needed.
Sterling's drop at the time of former British Prime Minister Liz Truss's failed budget plans meant the British taxpayer stumped up tens of millions of pounds extra to fund Brexit divorce bill payments to the European Union, paid in euros, new figures show.
It has been five years since Brexit “got done” – and voters and politicians alike are still counting the cost.
The Treasury’s latest estimate put the figure at £42.5 billion – up from £37.3 billion a year ago.
The UK could risk its strong sovereign credit rating if it failed to foot the Brexit bill in a no deal scenario, Moody’s ratings agency has warned.
The European Union has set the final Brexit divorce bill at £40.8 billion – well above where the UK Government expected it to be.
UK owes EU €47b in Brexit settlement
The UK is liable to pay €47.5 billion euros ($A75.7 billion) to the European Union as part of its post-Brexit financial settlement, according to the EU’s consolidated budget report for 2020.
The UK is due to pay €10.9 billion to the European Union this year as part of the Brexit financial settlement, according to figures published today.
Nestled among the mass publication of no-deal guidance yesterday was the UK government's vision for the future of the Brit satellite and space programmes if the country falls out of the EU with no pact in March. The guidance is, unsurprisingly, grim.
Vegetables discarded in field due to Brexit and Covid as divorce bill £5bn higher than expected
It comes as the Brexit "divorce bill" negotiated by the PM is up to £5 billion higher than the UK government expected.
Here’s everything you need to know about the legal framework for the PM’s proposed Brexit deal.
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