non-disclosure agreements
Defra also confirms enforcing NDAs despite Theresa May’s criticism of such contracts.
Sky News can reveal that the government has taken out hundreds of gagging orders as part of its preparations for a no-deal Brexit. / The orders, formerly known as non-disclosure agreements (NDAs), are legally binding contracts to stop confidential conversations being talked about in public.
More than 60 non-disclosure agreements in force across Whitehall as part of planning. / Pharmaceutical organisations working with Whitehall to maintain medicine supplies in the event of a no-deal Brexit have signed 26 “gagging orders” that bar them from revealing information to the public.
Prof David King, the former chief scientist, has expressed alarm at the prospect of Boris Johnson becoming prime minister because the Tory MP oversaw “devastating” cuts in efforts to tackle the climate crisis when he was foreign secretary and then wanted to hush them up.
Major trade bodies say they have been stopped from telling member companies about plans for customs and trade. / "We are collectively of the opinion that members are not ready for a no-deal exit on March 29."
Government Urged To Bin "Secretive" NDAs And Make Post-Brexit Trade Deals More Transparent
The government's trade policy is "too secretive," with ministers avoiding scrutiny and withholding the impact of its trade agreements from the public, a cross-party group of MPs and peers has said.
Government urged to commit in law to publishing impact assessments of all post-Brexit free trade deals, including "a clear statement" on their "net benefit to the country".
A future leader will need to confront Brexiters in the same way Blair faced down the hard left over clause 4.
Non-disclosure deals would bind those joining expert trade advisory groups for at least seven years, Sky News has learned.
A no-deal Brexit will be grim for patients. Yet gagging orders are being used to keep the truth from coming out.
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